USB  disk and how much you don’t know

Now office workers, students, freelancers, etc, in the use of usb flash drive, a lot of people don’t know why why nominal capacity with a gap between the actual capacity? Here, first of all, give you with U disk capacity of common sense, here will involve the algorithm of binary and decimal problems.

Today the author led us from the beginning of the usb little secret understanding, analysis step by step on your usb flash drive? What are the qualities a good usb flash drive to just calculate by spectrum?


Kamogawa The capacity of usb flash drive problem and algorithm has much to do. Storage vendor generally used decimal:

1TB=10^3 GB=1000GB

1GB=10^3 MB=1000MB

1MB=10^3 KB=1000KB

1KB=10^3 Byte=1000Byte

Bodrum The Windows operating system using the binary:

1TB=2^10 GB=1024GB

1GB=2^10 MB=1024MB

1MB=2^10 KB=1024KB

1KB=2^10 Byte=1024Byte